Day one

Here we go, day one of 100 days alcohol free. I've realised this is the only way to give sobriety a go. Moderation and me just don't get on!

I'm 35, I'm a teacher in the UK, and I've had a problem with my alcohol intake since my early twenties. I've come from a happy, loving family of heavy drinkers, so when I was young, alcohol equated to fun times. As the years have rolled on my intake has crept up. I'm currently drinking, I would estimate 5 bottles of wine in a good week, nine or ten in a bad week, topped up with whiskey which I don't even like. At 5' 6" I weigh 13 stone, the heaviest I've ever been. I sleep terribly, waking up every night at around 4 am with a dry mouth and that awful feeling of terror which, if you've got issues around alcohol, you will know all too well.

I'm not sure how this is going to play out. I've had bouts of sobriety before so I KNOW I can do it. I've loved the peace that sobriety brings, the better sleep, better skin, better everything. Me and the Wine Witch are well acquainted, and I know she will rear her ugly head at some point. I suppose I'll just have to take it one day at a time.

I'm starting this challenge during the Covid-19 lockdown. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. On one hand social events are out, on another hand boredom is very much in! I've decided to try and see this time as an opportunity to sort myself out.

My first hurdle today will be the trip to the supermarket, on my own, for our weekly shop. I've got this...
